Thursday, February 11, 2010

GL was Disgusting

GL was on Rupavahini last night.

He said that in his opinion, as a citizen of this country, the worst effects of SF's statements is the loss of trade and aid. He said the result of SF talking about abuse by the army will slowdown the economic growth.

Is he telling us to hide human rights abuses for economic reasons? He is a former academic. What lesson is he teaching us?

There are mothers who ignore it when their husbands abuse their own daughters. It's to protect their reputations and to have economic security. They find fault with the daughter if she reveals the truth. What GL wants us to do is something like that.

People usually respect academics. GL gives academics a bad name along with the VCs who went on TV to support MR. University administrators getting involved in politics is against regulations but as they supported the president it's ok.


  1. Yes, Indi Samarajiva, its really disgusting, like you wear your Mom's panties and writing this blog and deleting my comments when i point them out. Really disgusting, Indi Samarajiva !

    My question remains unanswered, Do you wear your mom's panties when you write this blog?

  2. Seriously, shut up! You're just too stupid to blog.

    We've just got out of a war. The people of this country are happy with the costs. How masochist do you think we are to willingly let others impose sanctions on as to punish us for "human rights" abuses. The countries trying to do this are worse than us.

    Are you saying that the loss of aid and trade is a good thing and that we deserve it.

    Really woman, stay in your bloody kitchen. People like you should be shot with Fonseka.

  3. Hi There,

    Just a brief word of support.. I came across your blog recently and have enjoyed your sense of humour.

    I'm somewhat shocked at some of the recent comments.. You're entitled to your own opinion, and if people don't like what you write they don't have to read it..

    As far as Sri Lanka goes, things overall do get better with time - it's just a case of the speed of change and temporary setbacks. Even the most powerful won't be in power for ever. Keep blogging!
