Abdul Halik, it is true that the ignorant masses elect our leaders. So MR supporters, you should not gloat. The politicians like the people ignorant. There is a high rate of literacy in this country so the people are not ignorant in the conventional sense.
If only the Masses Knew
An average Lankan is clueless about economic policies and monetary policies of the governement. They have no idea of how the governement gets money for it's expenditure. They do not know that a substantial propotion of the money they spend on purchases go to the governement. They do not know how inflation happens.
Would the masses have voted for MR if they knew that their money was funding the lavish lifestyle of MR, other politcians and their clans, the election campaign and the governement wastage? The masses can't afford the basic foodstuff and health care is in a mess. They fund fleets of vehicles and foreign travel for the politicians while the public transport is a mess and some can't even afford bus fare.
Free Education - Opportunity Wasted
It is easy to educate the public because we have a free education system. My 14 year old daughter studies Business Studies in school. She understood, within half an hour, the use of fiscal and monetory policies by the governement to manage the economy, economic growth,recession ect.
Making it compulsory for students to learn the basics of economics and money management would be no problem. As it is students are forced to memorise ancient litterature and history- not essential life skills. Whoever decides on the syllubuses and exams either does not know that there are books available or want to numb the brains of students so that they can be controlled and manipulated.
Politicians Need the Masses Ignorant
Ignorant people can be manipulated easily and if they are poor it's easy to buy their votes. Masses do not realise that an increase in wages will result in inflation so of no benefit. They do not know that the Central Bank figures are fake. How can the the GDP be growing if architects are out of work?
So the politicians will keep the masses ignorant.
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