Thursday, January 14, 2010

Diehard UNPer Dies

An uncle died this morning. He is from a famous UNP family of Wayaba. His wife was exhausted and sad. The first thing she told me was " He fulfilled all his duties. The only regret I have is that he could not vote at the coming election."

A cousin volunteered to impersonate him. I think he was joking but everyone was totally horrified. They are such decent folk even if they were born without the humour gene. It's a genetic mutation in their clan.

Situations like this are a great opportunity for government stooges. They have lots of initiative and no qualms.

My opinion is that rigging will happen in large scale this election. What do you think? Will Sarath supporters in the army prevent it?


  1. My condolencesto your entire family. Death is a sad part of life..

  2. Machang be carefull when you talk about rigging. if this blog suddenly stops we will all know why.

  3. Go rot in hell with your "great" UNP family.

    The government has a majority of the vote and even though shits like you don't remember, our leader saved us from the tigers.

    Start appreciating the lack of bombings you enjoy and dont insinuate that us blue bloods need to rig the election to win it. Unlike you we won't have to.

    Now get a life and do something good for the country. Or just follow your politicians examples and just sit and wait.
