Sunday, January 24, 2010

Liberal Lanka - for your enlightenment

I can't imagine how you got the impression that Sri Lankan women are helpless. I have not met the type of woman you describe. Have you? Do you know any Lankan Women?
Well maybe I can guess...... You think the little woman in your life is helpless... Am I right?

Let me enlighten you about Lankan women.

The lowest disparity between wages paid to men and women is in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan women hold/held every high post in the land.
World's first woman prime minister
Chairperson of a state Bank
Present Chairperson of telecom
Two current Vice chancellors of universities

I think it's good for women here because of the Buddhist culture. Buddha taught that a woman is as smart and as capable as a man.

We Sri Lankan women are very wise

It's the wisdom passed down through the generations. We sometimes pretend to be helpless for two reasons.

1. We can avoid unpleasant tasks.
2. We want to boost the morales of our men. Doesn't it feel good when you think you are stronger than your woman? Don't you feel important and needed?

Let me illustrate with the story of a typical helpless little Sri Lankan woman

Shalini was good in her studies. Her parents encouraged her. She got a professional qualification. Worked. Lived on her own. Enjoyed Work and independence. Then she got married and had a baby. She decided to stay at home to take care of the baby. Life is great for her and this is what she tells her naive husband.

1. She can travel across continents and handle multiple transits on her own but can't find her way to Nugegoda.
2. She can find her way in a sprawling foreign hospital but not Asiri hospital.
3. She can make the best desserts and cakes but does not know to cook rice and curry.
4. She is too scared to drive after dark except after dinner at fancy resraurants.
5. She knows only a limited area in Colombo.... Limits are marked by Odel, Galle face Hotel, Orchard plaza and Park Road.
6. Can manage parking at the crowded MC car park but not near the Colpetty market.
7. Can use public transport in a strange foreign city but not in Colombo

Notice a pattern here? So Shalini leads a very comfortable life while her husband has to work very hard to finance the comfortable lifestyle while taking care of helpless Shalini. Remember Shalini managed quite well before marraige.

So Mr. Liberal Lanka who do you think is smarter?

Now please don't do anything rash and stupid. Go along with your little woman's charade if you want to continue your peaceful and happy life.

BTW Shalini is not some mythical creature. It's me.
STOP! Do not call the SPH ( Society for the Protection of Husbands). My husband is happy and content. All you guys married to independent women who makes you feel insecure and small, please call the SPH. Tel. No. 011- H U S B A N D

Enlighten me Liberal Lanka

Why did you chose a statue made in France that is a symbol of the USA as you profile picture? Wouldn't a Lankan symbol be more appropriate? I suggest the statue of Parakramabahu.
Are you really Liberal?

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