Your Mother Tells You
" Putha, marry a nice quiete girl. She'll take care of you and be a good mother to your kids." Do not listen to her. She has got it all wrong. If you follow her advice you'll end up in a lot of trouble.
There are several types of nice girls.
If it sounds like I'm talking about diseases it's because I am.
Type 1 - The Stupid Girl
This girl seems nice and quiet because she is ignorant or stupid or both. She is going to bore you to death. She will embarrass you in public. Would not be a good mother or wife because she does not know how to.
Type 2 - The Devious Girl
This girl is a nasty piece of work and knows it. She knows she can never get married if she shows her true self. She will make your life a living hell soon after the wedding.
Type 3 - The Insecure Girl
This girl is acting nice too but is not a bad person. She is trying to be what her parents and the society in general expects her to be. You don't know what she really is at the start and may not like what she really is when you get to know her well. That's if she comes to her senses and decides to be herself. If she continues the charade she will be unhappy, hate herself and get depressed. She would not be any fun to live with.
Type 4 - The Genuinely Nice Girl
This girl loves you. Is kind, gentle and caring. She tries to please you and your family.
She never loses her temper, never fights with you and is not demanding. Life will be great for a few years. Without realizing it you will slowly but surely kill your wife. You are a nice guy but careless with this sweet and sensitive girl's feelings. You don't mean to but you hurt her and she is too sweet to let you know.
After some years of marriage she will be sad or nasty or indifferent. The family not happy.
Messy Mama's Recommendation - The Tough Girl
Marry the rough, tough, smart and opinionated girl. You know what you are getting. She will let you know when you are wrong or stupid. She can handle the problems that are an inevitable part of life. You can depend on her when things get rough. She will be a great companion to you and be a great mother to your kids - firm but kind, caring but not overprotective.
She may not look like Barbie doll, be a good cook or keep a perfect house. These things do not really matter much. The food will be healthy and the house safe and comfortable. She will have her own style without maxing the credit card. Anyway you don't want anybody to think you married a bimbo.
Your mother will not be happy at the start but later they will be great buddies and even gang up against you to laugh at your stupidities
ahahaha goood one....!!
ReplyDeleteThe last rough n tough sounds about right, you atleast know wht ur getting into.. :P
ReplyDeleteGreat post... want to see more.
ReplyDeleteha ha. true. And anonymous no.2.. Oedipus complex?.. Are you trying to sound smart? And is homo supposed to offend anybody you homo-phobe?
ReplyDeleteAmazing thoughts.. Two thumbs up!