Sunday, July 25, 2010


Are Sri Lankans turning into a nation of Kissers?

I am getting kissed by Strange Men
When I was a kid I got kissed only by my parents, aunts and grand mother.
Later cousins and good friends I saw after a long absence kissed me.
Now people who are virtual strangers have started kissing me. It's like everybody has suddenly turned into French. I am suffering from culture shock.
It takes some getting used to.

I first noticed the trend at a family get together . Relatives of my mother whom I hardly knew kissed when greeting. I thought it was because I lost my mother. These peopled loved my mother so I thought it was OK.
Kissed By Men

At a recent Old Boys get together the men were talking and drinking - thrilled to see each other. The wives sat around the tables trying hard to make conversation. It was very hard with the noise the men and the band were making.

Then the men started coming over to talk to us. They went around the table hugging and kissing the women. I do not like to be kissed by sweaty drunk strangers. I realised the women were sitting ducks. I joined my husband and circulated with him. It was much more interesting and surprisingly even though I met more men they did not kiss.

Being Trendy Is not Always Good

Is hugging and kissing an international trend? I am not used to it. I don't like being touched by strangers or even strangers coming too close to me. I like to have some personal space. The Sri Lankan greeting is bringing the palms together or worshiping there is no physical contact. I think I prefer it that way.


  1. Sadly I have not experienced this trend at all MM while I have not been aggressively searching for females to plant a smack on their cheek neither have I had anyone be it of the same sex or opposite sex even showing the faintest interest of planting their lips on my cheeks. Of course at work I do experience a lot of ass kissing and guess that too could be described metaphorically as placing lips on cheeks.
    I guess you need to put this trend down to all the males you come across finding you very kissable :) I would take it as a compliment.

  2. Kissing between men is becoming common and I'm not sure how to react to that.

    See also
