Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MR is Not Entitled to Abuse

A Parent Has no Right to Abuse His Own Child

A mother gives birth to a child but that that does not give her a right to abuse the child. What is expected of the mother is for her to take care of the child to the the best of her ability. Everybody agrees that a parents who abuse their children are the worst criminals and should be punished. Right?
A Man Does Not Have a Right to Abuse an Animal

A man who takes in an injured animal, takes care of it and cures it does not then get the right to starve it, torture it and keep it locked up. All of you agree with me. Right?

Why do You Think MR has the Right to Abuse?

Then why do the supporters of MR think that MR can abuse his powers because we won the war against the Tigers? Why do the supporters of MR think MR and clan have the right to plunder this country and distort the law to destroy opposition?

I am very grateful to MR for ending the war but I don't think that it gives him the right to be corrupt, above the law and not have common decency. He should be a caring parent to the people of this country and take care of us to the best of his ability. He should not be a bully that all of have to live in fear of.

Why Didn't the Liberated Tamils vote for MR?

The Tamils of the north and east suffered the most because of the Tigers. MR liberated them. How come these Tamils did not vote for MR? If any of you know the reason or have any theories please let me know. I am genuinely puzzled. This is not a rhetorical question.


  1. "A mother gives birth to a child but that that does not give her a right to abuse the child."

    You need to give your kids up for adoption then, because your retardness is abusing them everyday.

  2. This may give you an explanation

    The Isalnd of 8-2-2010 has a very good article by Aruna Gunasekera called "Of Traitors and Patriots". Tried pasting the link here cannot do it for some reason, search for it and read it.


    Thats the link

  4. also
